
Showing posts from March, 2018

End up doing something-

(УК) Коли ви починаєте щось робити, і ви закінчуєте з чимось, що ви не планували (РУ) Когда вы начинаете что-то делать, и вы заканчиваете с чем-то, что вы не планировали - I went to the supermarket to buy bread and I ended up filling the cart. - I met my friends on Friday to have a glass of beer and have fun, well, we ended up in jail for a trouble we caused being drunk Don’t drink much guys ))))) have a nice weekend )))))))

Take turn doing something


Pick something up

( УК ) Підхоплювати , Заїхати за . ( РУ ) Подхватывать , З аехать за. - Good day, I have come to pick my watch up, is it ready?. - Don’t pick food on the street .

Get sidetracked

(УК) O твлекаться от чего-то важного (РУ) B ідволікатися від чогось важливого -You have not finished cleaning your room as you promised?! - Sorry, I got sidetracked, my friends dropped by, and I got sidetracked. -I have burnt the French fries; I got sidetracked texting Max in Facebook .

Make up my/your/her…. mind

Synonyms: Decide   ( УК ) Приймати рішення ( РУ ) Принимать решение -Have you made up your mind which dress you are buying? -They have not made up their mind to go or not yet. 

About to

(УК) Збиратися зробити щось дуже скоро. (РУ) Собираться сделать что-то очень скоро. -(The meeting starts at 12:00, now it is 11:58) Where are the rest of the staff? We are about to start the meeting? -I have washed all the vegetables, cut the meet, now I am abut to cook.

keep one’s chin up

(УК) Залишатися хоробрими і продовжувати намагатися (РУ) Оставаться храбрыми и продолжать пытаться - I know things have been difficult for us recently, but let’s keep our chin up . - keep your chin up, we're not lost yet .

The most used verb with preposition At

-       Arrive at (a place) -       Be angry at/with (someone) for (something) -       Be annoyed at/with (someone) for (something)  -       Gaze at -       Glare at -       Laugh at -       Look at -       Shout at -       Smile at (someone) -       Stare at 

I’m not following you

(УК)  Використовуйте це, якщо ви не розумієте інструкції, вказівки чи пояснення (РУ)  Используйте это, если вы не понимаете инструкции, указания или объяснения - … turn left, then left again, go straight the go right … + Sorry, I am not following you, can you repeat that? 

The most used verb with preposition For

-       Account for -       Admire (someone) for (something) -       Apologize to (someone) for (doing something) -       Apply for (a job / scholarship) -       Arrange for (someone) (to do something) -       Arrest (someone) for (something) -       Ask (someone) for (something) -       Be angry at/with (someone) for (something) -       Be annoyed at/with (someone) for (something) -       Be famous for -       Be grateful to (someone) for (something) -       Be hard for -       Be known for (something) -       Be prepared for -       Be responsible for -     ...

The most used verb with preposition OF

Accuse (someone) of (something) Approve of Be afraid of Be aware of Be capable of Be composed of Be envious of Be fond of Be frightened of Be guilty of Be innocent of Be jealous of Be made of Be proud of Be scared of Be terrified of Be tired of Benefits of Consist of Convict (someone) of (something) Cure (someone) of (something) Disapprove of Dream about/of Episode of Get rid of Hear of Remind (someone) of (something) Importance of Lack of Make copies of Opposite of Results of Success of Study of  (plants) Suspect (someone) of (something) Take advantage of (someone/ something/ situation) Take care of Think of Topic of Type of

Chip in

(УК) скидатися / скинутися грошима (РУ) скидываться/ скинуться деньгами It is Ivan’s birthday soon, let’s chip in 300 Hryvnia to buy him a gift. We have chipped in to pay the bank loan for 3 years. Links : https :// alexcentre . pro Telegram Blog :

Put up with someone/something

(УК) Змиритися з. терпіти (РУ)  C мириться с . Tерпеть Example He’s so  rude ! I don’t  know  how you put up with him . It is too cold in your office! How do you put up with it?  Links : https :// alexcentre . pro Telegram Blog : Google+:

It slipped my mind

( УК ) вилетіла з голови (РУ) вылетела из головы Example: -It was Alena’s birthday yesterday, it slipped my mind and I have not called. - Have you brought something to drink? – O No, sorry, it slipped my mind.

Drop a line

(УК) Надішліть листа чи електронну пошту комусь (РУ) Отправить письмо или адрес электронной почты Example - Would you please drop a line when you arrive. - Tomorrow is Sam’s birthday, let’s drop a line.

On Me!

--- On me / you / him / Ivan …… etc . --- (УК) Використовуйте це, щоб розповісти, хто платить за їжу або напою (РУ) Используйте это, чтобы рассказать, кто платит за еду или напитка - You paid last time, it is on me today!. - We always pay for the drinks, so next Friday it will be on Ivan. https :// alexcentre . pro Telegram  http :// t . me / englishkyiv

Cut it out!

(УК) Припиняй !, Припиніть !, Досить! (РУ) Прекращай!, Перестаньте!, Довольно! Examples -   Can’t you see you made her cry?! Cut it out! -  Come on, man, cut it out! We will get in big trouble

Be sick and tired of

(УК) не могти терпіти, ситий по горло (РУ) не мочь терпеть, сытый по горло I am sick and tired of doing the same the same task all the time. She was sick and tired of you blaming others for your failure. We are sick and tired of listening to you complaining about life.  P.S После предлогов (of, on, about …), следующий глагол всегда с окончанием ING. P.S Після приписів (of, on, about …), наступний дієслово завжди з закінченням ING